Cigarette smoke is dangerous to those who inhale it. Whether they are smokers or non-smokers. Because cigarette smoke contains many dangerous chemicals. People who regularly inhale cigarette smoke may be at risk for serious illnesses such as cancer, cardiovascular disease or lung disease, especially children and infants who inhale cigarette smoke. They may be more at risk of facing health problems than other ages, such as respiratory diseases such as asthma. Various infectious diseases, including infant death syndrome, etc.
Many people may overlook the dangers of cigarettes, a silent danger that lurks fear to you and those around you without realizing it. The World Health Organization (WHO) has revealed shocking information that cigarette smoke is full of nicotine (an addictive substance), 7,000 chemicals, more than 250 toxins and more than 70 carcinogens. The longer you smoke, the longer you smoke. The more you are at risk of disease that shortens your life. It also affects people around you (Second Hand Smoker), UFABET specify that even if you don’t smoke yourself. But the toxic effects of cigarette smoke can be as dangerous as smoking itself.
Especially pregnant women, infants and children should avoid being near smokers or environments with cigarette smoke. Because it will cause less blood to pass through the placenta. Affects the fetus Causes you to receive less nutrients than usual. Risk of miscarriage or cause small newborns to weigh less and the amount of oxygen that enters the brain decreases If nicotine is able to penetrate the placenta, it can affect the brain of the fetus, affecting the child’s intelligence and behavior as well.
How to avoid?
For those who smoke You should be aware of the impact it may have on those around you. Smoke only in designated areas. Change clothes and wash hands that may be contaminated with chemicals from cigarette smoke before touching or holding children and infants or deciding to quit smoking. You can ask for advice from staff at the smoking cessation service center.
For those who don’t smoke The following instructions should be followed. To prevent smoking and inhaling cigarette smoke.
- Avoid places where people smoke. and not in a smoking area, such as choosing to eat in a restaurant that prohibits smoking Or stay in a hotel with rooms for non-smokers, for example.
- Smoking is not allowed in vehicles. Whether it’s a personal car or a public vehicle.
- Smoking is not allowed in residences, workplaces or public places. It is required that smoking be allowed only in rooms or smoking areas.