Oil blotting paper helps reduce the problem of a greasy face during the day.

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Oil blotting paper is a small piece of paper that is used to absorb oil to reduce oil on the face. Some products may contain powder to help reduce shine on the face, but in reality, blotting paper only helps absorb excess oil on the surface of the face. It does not help to stop the production of oil that makes the face oily in any way.  

Oily face or Oily skin is a skin problem in which the face is coated with more oil (Sebum) than necessary. It may be caused by sebaceous glands being stimulated to work more than usual. until creating too much oil to coat the skin Or it may be caused by using products for the skin that are primarily made from oil (Oil base).

Normally, our faces produce oil to coat the skin normally. To retain moisture on the face for a longer time. Healthy facial skin should have the right amount of facial oil. Too little and your skin will easily become dry. Too much has many negative effects.

Oil-absorbing paper is an option that may help reduce the stickiness on your face during the day without having to wash your face or remove makeup. It also helps makeup last longer. Or it can be used in conjunction with other products to remove blackheads as well.

Nowadays สมัคร ufabet, oil blotting paper is very popular. Because it’s easy to buy, inexpensive, and easy to carry, many people may think that oil blotting paper can only be used to remove oil on the face. But actually Blotting paper can have other uses too.

The benefits of oil-absorbing paper include:

Eliminate oil on the face. Various factors can make the face oily during the day, such as the weather and facial skin care products being used. or hormone levels in the body, etc. Oil blotting paper will help absorb oil and reduce shine on the face.

Helps makeup last longer. Even if you choose to use cosmetics and facial care products that do not add shine to your face. But facial skin can become oily during the day. This can cause makeup to fall off, smear, or not last as long as desired throughout the day. Using paper to blot your face may also help reduce this problem.

Peel off blackheads.  Some girls may use oil-absorbing paper along with some natural ingredients to help remove blackheads such as egg whites. This is a simple method and can be easily done as follows.   

  • Apply a thin layer of egg white to the nose or cheeks that have blackheads.
  • Take oil-absorbing paper and place it in the area. by placing only one layer
  • After leaving it to dry completely. Pull out the oil-absorbing paper. You may notice that blackheads have come out as well.